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a last min go thru - xieli

hi guys...
posting my notes thinking it might b helpful to some...
just few points that stood out as important while solving questions...GL!

Succinylcholine- nicotinic agonist,depolarizes musclemuscle relaxation,interacts wt Ach receptor at Nm jxn,inc.K +,malignant hyperthermia.
Clonidine-alpha2 receptor
Azoles-inhibit 14-alpha demethylasedec ergesterole prodn.
Zidovudine-resistance occurs by mutation of the gene for reverse transcriptase.
Sucralfate-does not change stomach pH
Diphtheria toxin-ADP ribosylation of EF-2,inhibits protein synthesis
Maple syrup urine dz-increased a.acid is Valine
Hyper IgM syndm-CD-40 ligand defect
Schizoid personality dis.-voluntary isolation frm society
Type 1-alpha error-wrongly rejects null hypothesis…(truly it shouldn’t have been rejected)
Type 2-beta error-fails to reject null hypothesis(actually it should have been rejected)
Increase the size of the sample-decrease the type 2 beta error..increase the power..
Sertoli cells-MIF
Leydig cells-testosterone
In pregnancy-inc.estrogen,inc.progesterone,inc.hcg,no change in oxytocin
ATP binding to cross bridges-muscle relaxes,loss of affinity to actin
For pulmonary maturity of fetus-inc.lecithin.
Non sedating anti histaminic-Loratidine
Primary hyperaldosteronism-dec.renin,inc.B.P.,Inc Na+,dec.K+,met.alkalosis
Sonic hedgehog knockout(deletion)-absence of thymocyte development
Hox gene-signalling pathway-retinoic acid
Amiodarone-causes lung fibrosis
Probenecid-inc.uric acid excretion
Hot tub folliculitis-pseudomonas
Hand-foot-mouth dz.-coxacie virus(picornaviridae)
Bcl gene-anti-apoptotic

Opiate withdrawal-flu like symptoms.
Ewing sarcoma-t(11:22)
ARR=event rate in unexposed(placebo) – event rate in exposed(diseased)
ARI=event rate in exposed(diseased) – event rate in unexposed(placebo)

Relative risk(r.r) ~~=1confidence interval(c.i.)=(0.89-2.34)P-value(p)=0.05(not statistically significant)
Statins-dec.level of circulating LDL,inhibits hepatic CHL synth.,inc. expression of LDL receptor gene
Orotic aciduria-absence of ornithine transcarbomoylase
Microsatellite repeats-due to absence of DNA mismatch repair gene,HNPCC,Lynch syndm.
Von-hippel-lindau-VHL tumor suppressor gene-chr-3,hemangioblastoma+cysts in kidney,pancreas+pheochromocytoma+RCC
Metaclopromide-not to b used in parkinsonism pts. Coz of antagonistic effect on dopamine receptors
Alkaptonuria-urinary homogentisic acid level inc.,compln-arthritis,ochronosis(joints,sclera,ear,cartilage)
Gancyclovir-inhibits DNA chain elongation
Grave’s dz.-eyes bulge d/t glycosaminoglycans sybthesis by the fibroblasts,lymphocytic infiltration of the orbital tissue,extraoccular muscle edema
Pinealoma-perinaud syndm-upward gaze palsy,absent papillary light reflex,failure of convergence,wide based gait
Intestinal epithelial stem cells-present in the crypts of leiberkuhn
Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration-ataxic gait-thiamine deficiency-loss of purkinje cells in the cerebellar vermis
TATA-promoter region,25 bases upstream frm the transcription start site
CAATbox-70-80 base pairs upstream the transcription start site
Severity of the symptoms of TOF-severity of pulmonic stenosis
Entacapone-COMT inhibitor-inhibits the periph. Methylation of levodopa,inc.availability of dopa in brain
Cyatathione deficiency-marfanoid features,inc.methionine in serum
Vincristine-M-phase specific,binds to microtubules,blocks polymerization of microtubules
Terbinafine-antifungal,inhibits squalene epoxidase
Prt.C deficiency-no anti coagulation,inc.thrombosis
ACE inhibitors-inc.renin,inc.Angt.I,dec.Ang II, dec.Ald,inc.bradykinin
Losartan-inc.renin,inc.Ang I, dec.Ang II,dec.Ang II,unchanged bradykinin
Mumps virus history-testis-orchitis,epididymitis
Peptide hormones-cell surface receptors-2nd messenger in cytoplasm-rapid intracellular response
Peptide hormones-ADH,oxytocin,ANP,insulin,somatostatin,cholecystokinin,gastrin,leptin
Prostate Ca-osteoblastic bone mets
Chr.Htn-LV hypertrophy-concentric-pressure overload
Hartnup Dz-ataxia,photosensitivity,loose stool,tryptophan not absorbed frm gut,supplement with niacin in diet
Acarbose-alpha-glycosidase inhibitor,targets surface membrane bound enzymes,inhibits conversion of di-saccharides to mono-sacch.
Low frequency sound waves-receptor near apex of cochlea-helicotrema
High frequency sounds-base of cochlea-near oval n round window
Comedo Ca-ductal Ca in situ,precancerous breast lesion,basal-myoepithelial layer preserved-uninvolved
Naloxone-shorter duration of axn than other opoids
Chlorpromazine-blocks Da receptor,causes EPS
Warfarin-dec. synth of factors 2,7,9,10
OCP-dec. antithrombin and inc. synth of 2,7,9,10
PTH-inc.1-alpha-hydroxylase-converts vitD to active form
Leuprolide-Gnrh analog-contineous use-down regulation-dec.LH,dec.FSH
ATP-consumed-inc. generation of adenosine-dilates heart vessels in failing heart,inc. blood flow to heart,inc. O2 delivery to myocardium
If vena cava occluded above renal veins-pressure in ext.iliac is increased
Ischaemic heart dez-endothelial cell dysfxn
Ext. hemorrhoids-below pectinate line-somatic innervations-painful
Custard pie-staph aureus
Intrinscically interspersed,concentrically calcified str.-description of psammoma bodies
Indurated ,painless genital ulcer-treponema pallidum
Imprinting-DNA methyl transferase-DNA methylation
Nitroglycerine-acts on large VEINS
Prolactinomas-amenorrhea,galactorrhoea,bone loss,vaginal dryness
Slow acetylators-dec in hepatic acetyl transferase activity
Myasthenia gravis-reduced end plate potential,antibody against post-synaptic NnAch receptors
Collagen-glycine is the most abundant a.a,repeated at every 3rd position,reqd for the triple-helix str.
Proline-required for the alpha-helix str. Of collagen
Viruses with phospholipid containing particles-enveloped viruses,have surface particles similar to host cell membrane
Thioridazine-retinal deposits
Chlorpromazine-corneal deposits
N.gonorrhoea-has IgA protease
NorEpinephrine extravasation-IV site-pale ,cold,hard,due to alpha1 mediated vasoconstriction,treat with phentolamine
Angina pectoris+,allergic to aspiringive clopidogrel
Dysthymia-low mood,depression,low self esteem,anhedonia,must last>2 yrs
B.anthracis toxin=similar to B.pertusis toxin-edema factor-adenylate cyclase-inc.cAMPneutrophilic dysfxn
Neutral aminoaciduria-in hartnup dz.
Anaphylactic shock-type1,cell surface bound IgE bridging by antigen
Thalamic syndm-hemorrhagic stroke in thalamus,VPM,VPL damage,complete contralateral sensory loss,propioceptive defects-unsteady gait,falls
Lacunar infarcts-later seen as small vessel lipohyalinosis
Elastin=glycine+alanine+valine(also proline n lysine),interchain crosslinks involving lysine gives it its elastic property
Stretch reflexatria=ANP;ventricle=BNP;activate guanylate cyclase inc.cGMP vasodilation,diuresis,dec.BP
Leukemoid rxn- wbc>50,000, inc.or normal level of alkaline phosphatase
CML- wbc>50,000, dec.level of alkaline phosphatase
Sarcoidosis-inc.level of ACE in serum,scattered granulomas in liver,negative PPD
Strawberry capillary hemangiomas-frst increase in size as baby grows..then gradual dec in size
Gly-R- receptor for neurotransmitter glycine,produces effect thru chloride current
Cannot stand from sitting position-muscle weakness-gluteus maximus
Juxtacapillary J receptors- nerves innercating lungs(vagus),responds to dec. in oxygenation,leads to hyperventilation(shallow, fast breathing)
Filum terminale-vertebra level L1
Inc. bacterial infection-dec. phagocytosis-C3b receptor dysfxn
Lithium induced diabetes insipidus- serum osmolality inc., urine osmolality dec., normal or inc. ADH, Na+ dec.
Diverticula due to pulsioin force-more common in sigmoid colon-in elderly-false diverticulum
Wobble hypothesis- t-RNA molecule can recognize multiple different codons for same amino acid
Radiation therapy-causes DNA double strand breakage and formation of free radicals
Single DNA strand damage- repaired by polymerase
Double DNA strand damage-cell death
DNA repair mechanism- glycosylase->endonuclease->lyase->DNA polymerase->ligase
Nitrates consumed in diet leads to deamination of cytosineuracil
Deamination of adeninexanthine; guanine hypoxanthine
Matching in case control studies done to overcome confounding bias
Growth factor-binds to cell membrane receptor-signal transduction synthesis-signal to nucleus-gene expression
GAP- GTP activating protein,causes hydrolysis of GTP to GDP
Tech-99 scan- positive for gastric tissues
PAS +ve- glycoprotein positive
Retinoic acid- regulates the differential expression of HOX gene
PAX gene- produced by sclerotome cells, is a transcription factor,allows cells to form cartilages n vertebrae
AP-1- activator protein, is a transcription factor,regulates gene expression,controls differentiation,proliferation n apoptosis,needs importin to enter the nucleus n work
B-hcg- secreted by syncitiotrophoblast
Creatinine,Mg+,Cl- - at higher concn. In CSF than in serum
Marfan syndm-fibrillin(FBN-1) on chromosome 15
Celiac dz- IgA autoantibodies against gliadin and basement membrane
TGF-Beta- growth factor involved in tissue regeneration n repair
Blockade of CCR5- prevents entry of HIV into target cells
IFN-Gamma- maturation of macrophages,granuloma formation,caseous necrosis
Agammaglobulinemia-no germinal centre in lymph nodes-no B-cells

ARR=event rate in unexposed(placebo) – event rate in exposed(diseased)
ARI=event rate in exposed(diseased) – event rate in unexposed(placebo)

Relative risk(r.r) ~~=1confidence interval(c.i.)=(0.89-2.34)P-value(p)=0.05(not statistically significant)
ARR=event rate in unexposed(placebo) – event rate in exposed(diseased)
ARI=event rate in exposed(diseased) – event rate in unexposed(placebo)

Relative risk(r.r) ~~=1confidence interval(c.i.)=(0.89-2.34)P-value(p)=0.05(not statistically significant)
smth is wrong..not comming properly
thanks xieli for posting your notes, they are very useful! Good luck with your exam!
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