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To XTOPHER - mmd22
hi , these are my credentials , plz help in analyzing and determining which way i should go or should i not go, thanks

grad year: 10 yrs
usce: preceptorship at a private clinic, owrked as a scribe/doctor's assistant at a clinic
usmle scores: step 1-77,step 2-79, cs pass
apply to: Fm, Psychiatry

very confused plz help
You will have some difficulty unless those in the clinic are willing to contact PDs on your behalf. I would try to get some vilunteer time at a psych hospital / clinic if you are going to apply in psych. Look at the program websites carefully to see where you fit in best.
thx doc- for the info, can you duggest or anyone suggest where i should serch for programs, would community hospitals be better or should i try university hospitals also.......
plz respond thanx
FREIDA will give you the basics (
The specific programs usually have information on their sites.

I would focus on community hospitals.
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