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What else can I do? - kellydoc
......all the thankless chores!!!
#12 probably this might be what you need..
you must be a very mean character.

what was mean in what i did?
the music . what is the message u were trying to pass across? for him to leave America or what? i feel that you need to build on the character of kindness. we will all need it a point in our lives. if you don't feel for the guy, for Pete's sake what about his children. my point is if u don't have anything good to say, at least refrain from saying or denoting anything mean.
#16 song was meant for me!! for all the thankless chores I did today:-)

Sorry cycle, could'nt thank you earlier,for another beautiful song, got too busy with the chores!!! Any particular reason for choosing british singers for me?........,just curious, it's almost like you have access to my ipod! Most of my favorite bands are british!

@kellydoc, I really don't know what your circumstances are but it does seem like you are going thru an incredibly difficult phase in your life. However,you come cross as a fighter, a survivor and that spirit will take you far. Remember life is dynamic, and no 2 days are alike, and whatever you are going thru will soon be over. Don't burden yourself too much with taking some tough decisions, the right time will come and you will know it. GL!
@kelly, we are discussing this issue in this thread. check it.
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