02-10-2003, 01:33 AM
June - aaa
radiology site..or...
well writted disease of review....
for example..i'm curioud Neuroblastoma..i wanna see
Radiologic finding picture and...Physical picture of a patient...
does anybody use internet for studying?
if you know..any useful sites..please tell me...
thank you. ^^;;
p.s>i remember one radiology site..that has everyday pop quiz..and things...i forgot its address..
radiology site..or...
well writted disease of review....
for example..i'm curioud Neuroblastoma..i wanna see
Radiologic finding picture and...Physical picture of a patient...
does anybody use internet for studying?
if you know..any useful sites..please tell me...
thank you. ^^;;
p.s>i remember one radiology site..that has everyday pop quiz..and things...i forgot its address..