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any one kindly make it clear - vena86

5.5 - 3.5 = 2 (*why u are say it " -2 " ?)

5.5 - 3.5 = +2

now try it plz.
lolllllllllllllllll ,,,,,,,i forgot tha mathmateic,,,,,,i was the best at high school but medicine make

me lazy in that stufffff

from now i shuold do it like that +5.5 - 3.5 = +2 so now only %1 is non ionized

we need some math. class too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all of this confusion started from this simple point ,,,

thanks sarim ,,realy u saved me

i'm glad we solved it.
vena, sarim ,

cystine (base a.a.) insoluble ( renal stones at urine PH 5-7 (pka 8,3) -what means that it is non ionized, right?

then 5 (PH)- 8,3(pka)= -3,3 should to be only little% of weak bases are non ionized ( cleared very well) ???
@lanna ,,

yes its right that nearly only 1% is non ionized ..

but what u mean exactly by mention that cystine stone ???
vena, I was doing Q in UW and o this information is from there. But I am confused about
it ( in a case if only 1% non ionized, then 99% -ionized and should be easy cleared in urine, so how do renal stones appear ?
i think there is different mechanism for it ,,

if u were read a bout cystine stone ,,in cystinurea thereis a high concentration of cystine

in urine and saturation of reabsorbtion mechanism in the kidney lead to stone formation

so even 1% we talking about may be enough for stone formation .....

i dont know relation bet that stone and ph ???

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