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Study in Boston - 1118
Hey I just saw a few people posting for study partners in Boston..and I was wondering where everyone usually studies?
I live in the Medford MA area..I usually study at the tufts library but they don't have internet access for non-students so need a new spot! and it would be nice to see some other people studying for the exam Smile
i live at malden but study at northeastern library. internet is accesable to all-free. long hours of study allowed.
Hey, I study at the Boston public library. They have wifi. I agree, having a little group of people also prepping for this exam would do great for morale. Let me know if you're up for coming to the bpl. If you both decide on some where else, I may be game.
Side note-- I saw a girl clicking through u world the other day and felt this immediate kinship, but it was short lived (she was prepping for the ck).
Anyways, let me know.
Yea I might come! i just hate wasting time travelling taking the the weather sucks!! I just need a library..whihc is hopefully a better motivator to study!!
I know, it's drag in the winter to commute. But libraries work better for me than staying home. I'm at bates hall (I think that's what it's called). Join me if you decide to come!
Hey, I was thinking about coming by northeastern this weekend to get some work done. The bpl hours are lousy Over the weekend. Donpass, where do you usually study in snell? I'm assuming snell, right?
I'm at northeastern. If anyone else is studying/wants to study here, then drop a msg.
Good luck
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