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uw hy - taarushi
1.The role of Glomusbody –is to shunt blood away from the skin surface in cold temperatures in order to prevent heat loss and to direct blood flow to the skin surface in hot environments to facilitate the dissipation of heat

2. CD31 + tumor ----PECAM ---Liver AngioSarcoma - from endothelial cells

3. Renal Artery Stenosisis the most often caused by atherosclerotic plaques at the junction of the aorta and renal artery….

4.What is phlegmasiaalba dolens? –milk leg ---not in varicose veins
–Consequence of Iliofemoralvenous thrombosis occuringin peripartumwomen
–Venous stasis due to the pressure of the gravid uterus on deep pelvic veins and hypercoagulablestate inherently present during pregnancy can result in DVT

5. Aging is normally associated with loss of nephronmass –SYMMETRICAL LOSS OF NEPHRON MASS !

6.In normal individuals the heparin releases endothelium bound lipases encouraging the clearance of TG from the circulation….
•In pts with LPL deficiency –Heparin Induced LPL is REDUCED !

7. What indicates Extramedullaryhematopoiesis?
–ExtramedullaryHematopoiesiscan cause a range of skeletal abnormalities ……Expanding mass of progenitor cells in the bone marrow things the bony cortex and impairs bone growth…….
–Pathologic ## are most symptomatic of children……

8.3 DD always
•Severe B12 deficiency
•FA deficiency anemia

9 Immune complex vasculitisassociated with IgA& C3 deposition is typical of HSP !!
Hi I would like to revise some Hy questions from U.W. If u like to revise pls add me in skype-drbindug
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