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Exam experience - amygdala

I just took my exam.

Let me tell u a bit about myself. I am an 'old' graduate, with 2 kids, 2 and 6. I have been preparing approximately 6 months. In the end , I just couldn't wait to be done with this exam. After a lot of hard work and stress on me and my family, I hope and pray that I pass. Even though I was not an active participant, I would read all the posts. I took a lot of comfort in finding people in the same boat as me. I want to thank some people like knight, Billl, xalatan1 etc who posted so many of their tested concepts. That was really really helpful. I dont think I can do such a good job as them, but I'll try .........
Overall I think the test was mostly fair. Even tho I did not know many answers and had to guess quite a bit, I feel they were not hard. Some qs were very straightforward and I knew the answers. Soem I just did not know and had to guess or rule out most answers and choose between 2 or 3 choices. As to the time factor, it was close, but not as bad as I thought. I had planned my breaks and I was at the edge of my seat the whole time monitoring my time. For a couple of blocks I had time left over to review my answers. The fred system is good. This is what I remember-

Anatomy- not much at all, some CTs, some muscle attachments and action, some histo qs that I am not able recall, 2 on intermediate filaments

Biochem- gluconeogenesis, one pedigree, some genetics, one Hardy-weinberg, phenylketonuria, Hurler's, receptors,

behavioural - lot of statistics, SD from data grap, a lot abou tthe sensitivity, specificity, som,e calculations odds ratio, relative risk, About 6-7 qs on doctor patient relationship.

path- not as much as I expected, fibroadenoma, MEN II, thyrotoxicosis, a lot of CVS, esp chest pain and MI and a lot of alcoholic complications, and a lot on HepB.

physio- Renal aff and eff arteriole qs. , up and down arrow qs, a lot of them from endo

pharm- MOA of antivirals, resistance to acyclovir, heavy metal poisonign, ACE inhibitors(3 qs), interactions, overdoses of a couple of drugs, some adrenergic, cholinergics

Even tho this is the hard part to wait for the score, I want to really forget about this and spend some time with my kids, I've really missed spending quality time with them. So I am in no hurry to know my results, since I dont look forward to them. Anyway, I am glad it is over. Good luck to everyone in this forum and thanks again. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping all the ones I got wrong were experimental :-)))))))
Thanks for sharing your experience. Good luck.
thanks for sharing, goodluck for the score
thanks for sharing .good luck.any questions on immunology
Thank you mike90, hkv and sibhat.
Yes there were immuno qs. I forgot all about them. NK cells, Neutrophils, CGD, IFN g, graft rejection, MHCI def, DTH, IgA def etc. Will post more if I remember.
thanks for sharing, all the best with ur resluts. How do u compare the actual exam to the usmle orientation cd questions??????
Hi Keannela,
Yes the actual questions were comparable to the sample usmle test. Most of them. Since the platform is so wide, the questions do vary a lot in their ease and length.
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