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Why FMGs do not match--the answer is here. - anonymousadvice

I am not pointing fingers.. I wanted to correct....and its better than calling some one dckhead and claiming to see types in the interviews... Atleast I was being constructive and may be they will get some benefit of my correction.

People dont realize one of the key aspects of the interview is your communication and it can make or break the day.
yalda, Good luck to you. You have strong credentials and come across like a decent person (although you do need to improve your language skills.)

prematch, You, on the other hand, need to improve your personality. Before you correct the grammar in posts, you should correct your own grammar. Here, I'll help you out on this one:

I am not pointing fingers.. (double period, punctuation error) (but) I wanted to correct (correct is a verb and should be followed by a noun, for example 'correct the post') ....and its (should be it's not its) better than calling some one (a) dckhead and claiming to see types (rather than 'to see types' it should be 'this type of person' in the interviews... Atleast (At least is two words) I was being constructive (you would have been constructive if your grammar was actually correct, but it is not) and may be (maybe is one word) they will get some benefit of (from not of) my correction(s).

People dont (don't not dont) realize one of the key aspects of the interview is your communication (should be 'ability to communicate' or 'communication skills') and it can make or break the day.
mr anonymousadvice...for sum reason u do not radiate positive vibes.....look at mleresidency tips...even though he is promoting his site, and we all know that, he tries to genuinely answer concerns in a mature manner. He doesn't patronize!!
@ anonymousadvice

Thanks... I had some of the other posters comment included in my post. So thanks for correcting.( should I say correcting the post hehe )

....((double period, punctuation error) is my forum writing style...
"Its" is also writing style. I dont think I can speak "its" as "it's"
again I can only speak ""as dont and not "don't."

I originially meant to write communication skills....well it was late in the night and i was half asleep ( should I put only one period? )

is there a writing on the wall that we cannot say communication and it has to be ability to communicate or communication skills?

Onto my speaking lessons.. I can never get this right! Thanks

ijustgottamatch--Yes, I was being patronizing in response to premtch patronizing yalda. Get the point now?

premtch--The reason I edited your post is because you have an unwarranted air of superiority and, until you are perfect, you should refrain from targeting others. And as for your next free grammar lesson:
"Its" is not writing style. "Its" is used to imply possession whereas "it's" is the contracted for of "it is". Google it if you do not believe me.
good dont get it, do a senior, we expect u to be a pillar of strength, while giving honest advice[and we appreciate it] and not droop to the level of picking up trivial fights with your juniors here. We wd have appreciated it if u gently corrected premtch if at all u thought he was wrong. After this, I doubt if u enjoy the respect of ur colleagues and juniors in ur own pgm.
I dont have unwarranted air of superiority. Sorry, If I post gave that impression.
@ anonymousadvice

Nice post buddy. I appreciate your honest advice to people. God bless you!
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