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nbme 2 - guest2006
A 48yo man comes to hs physician B/C his wife noticed that his righ pupil is small. Physical exam shows that the right pupil is constricted and does not react to light. His left pupil isnormal. These findings are most likely due to a lesion involving which of the following structures on the right?

a. cervical spinal cord
b. frontal eye firlds
c. lateral geniculate nucleus
d. optic tract
e. visual cortex

A. cervical spinal cord,

This is Horner's syndrome, due to paralysis of cervical sympathetic nerve. The pupil of the affected side constricted.
Anybody else agree on A?
I agree. Opticus and visual tract if they were lesioned then you wouldn't have constricted pupil, it will be pupil that doesn't react to light.
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