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nbme 7 - doctornacho
A 65 year old man has exertional dyspnea and a mild nonproductive cough. He is using his accessory muscles for respiration. X rays of the chest show flattened diaphragm, bronchovascular patterns that do not extend to the periphery of the lung, and a cardiac silhouette that is lengthened and narrowed. Which of the following changes in the respiratory airway is most likely in this patient?
A) Adenocarcinoma of tracheal wall
B) Distention of air spaces distal to terminal bronci
C) Increased alveolar secretion (wrong)
D) Purulent secretions in the mainstem bronchus
E) Tracheal Stenosis
A 50 year old man with type 2 diabetes and hypertension comes to the physician because of puffiness of his face and hands, fatigue and a 5kg weight gain during the past week. He had a sore throat and coryza 2wks ago that resolved after 2 days. he is 175cm tall and now weighs 123kgs; BMI is 40 and temp is 37.2, pulse is 90, RR 20/min and BP 160/100. Physical examination shows generalized edema, most marked in the periorbital areas and pitting edema of the lower extremities. Laboratory studies show an increased serum total cholesterol concetration, proteinuria and no hematura or casts. A photomicrograph of a renal biopsy is shown. WHich is the diagnosis?
A) Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
B) Membranous glomerulonephritis
C) MInimal change disease
D) Postrept Glomeruloneprhirits (wrong)
E) Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
#3 a previously healthy 40yr woman is brought to the ER by her husband bc of a 2 day hx of fever lethargy, and confusion. Her temp is 38, pulse 80, RR 18 and BP 140/90. PE shows scattered petechiae and ecchymoses over the lower extremities. Neurlogic examination shows moderates motor weakness. She is oriented to person but not to place or time. Labs show Hb 9, HCT 27, leukocytes 8000, Platelets 15,000 , PT 12, PTT 30, Urea nitrogen 25, haptoglobin
, haptoglobin
, haptoglobin
q1- b
q2- E or ?A
q3- TTP if TTP is an option.
30. a 40 year old man with alcoholism is admitted to the hospital because of a 2 day history of confusion. Serum studies show a sodium concentration of 99 mEq/L. He is treated with 0.9% saline. Four days later, he develops slurred speech. Physical examination shows mild to moderate muscle weakness of all extremities and dysarthria. Sensation is intact. Babinski sign is present bilaterally. These findings are most likely caused by a lesion in which of the following locations?
A) bilateral cerebral hemispheres
B) Brain stem
C) Medial Diencephalon (wrong)
that one is from NBME11
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