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step1 nbme12 - bj112358
16Y girl worsening acne over forehead for the past month.she began vegetarian diet 6mo ago,and eating large amount of chocolate.she currently works as a flag person for a construction company and is required to wear a helmet. Her bro received a chinchilla for a pet 2mo ago.
Forhead erythematous papules and pustules because of what?

A.allergic reaction to materials used in road construction
B.allergy to family pet
C.chocolate consumption
D.excessive sun exposure
E.vegetarian diet (I chose this and it is wrong...)
F.wearing a helmet
contact dermatitis?
Acne mechanica
"The term acne mechanica designates local exacerbations due to pressure, friction, rubbing, squeezing, or stretching. Examples are given of various physical traumata that provoke lesions in acne patients. The precipitating causes of stress are diverse, they include articles of clothing (tight straps and belts), recreational accouterments (football shoulder pads), or occupational pressure (rubbing of back in truck drivers). Sealing acne-bearing skin under adhesive for two weeks regularly induced new inflammatory lesions, which derived from the rupture of microcomedones that are not visible to the naked eye."

Thank U very much!
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