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LOR question.. - newhope2014
I have 2 LORs from last year.. One is waived and one s unwavied.. But both r uploaded by LOR author through LOR Portal. And till now I dont know whats written in that..

So my question is , Can I waived both LOR when reusing those 2 LOR this year? Can I choose yes as a answer of "I want to waive my right to view this LOR".. Do you think it will have any problem ?
any one pls?
man... ur question doesnt make alot of sense
but as i understand,

what ever you have done last your can reuploaded, you cannot change it, if you want to change it you should re do it, ie ask the authur to do rewrite it and do it for you
question is vey stright forward::

My last year's LOR is unwaived but it was uploaded by physician through LOR portal..

Can I make it waived this year when reusing that LOR? (As I dont know what is written in that letter and uploaded through LOR portal)
it was unwaived because I want to see that letter before I upload that letter but LOR author uploaded by himself and told me that its hospital's policy..
? any one??
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