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signs of good interview - wynn
hey - does anyone have any idea what could be a good indication that interview went well? i know it is a very subjective matter. but i was wondering if we could put together some thoughts. =P
either one of two:
-prematch offer
-Matching on the mtach day

there are absolutely NO signs of a good interview. almost every interview feels "good" and some programs even will say things like "youre a great match for our program" or "we will rank you highly" but its really just a game theyre playing and doesnt mean much. Never take anything they say seriously and just focus on doing your best and wait until March. every year people are shocked that they didnt match at a place that said things like that to them. GL
You cannot know, don't trust PD if he said, for examlpe "You're a great candidate". It's their game, and they have been playing he same game for a long time.
Prematch programs are limited and well-known, especially ones located in Bronx, NY.
almost feels like if he said it, it's a bad sign haha
ya have been told there r instances where the pd sent an email sayin v shall rank u high..but the poor candidates went unmatched
Your confidence stands tall.... matching is not the absolute sign of a good interview.
be confident before and after .
your subconcious with contact the intelligent mind to resolve the rest
How desperate we are!! cruel matching! Lets hope for the best
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