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GI good q - letusdoit
C C C.

This pt most probably has HepC. It is the most common of the viral hepatitis in IV drug abusers. This is what the question is testing for- to see whether you know this fact.

The serologies gievn above are to rule out HepA and B. That of C is not given bcos that makes it too straight forward and the question looses its intention.

The patients hepB status is non-immunised pt who is suscepitble to hepB. HBeAg is present in window period(correct me if wrong).

You are right to think of window period, but that comes when you have done hepC serology(IgM & G) and excluded it. So our choice on this q will be hepC.
I think the ans is E- none f the above
she is in the Window period of hepB
i think this q had more than enough for discussion,
and i posted the q because i think it has many essential inf. that we sould all know before we sit the exam.


and this is the Explination AS IS from the source

A. the pt has hapatitis A.
INcorrect , The pt does not have hepatitis A (else the Anti-HAV igM would be positive)
but the pt HAD hepatitis A.

B. the pt does not have hepatitis B.
INcorrect, The pt may be in Window for hepatitis B studies (an anti-HBc igM should be done)

C. the most probable causeis Hepatitis C .
INcorrect, Assuming that the pt is exaggerating the time since her last IV street drug, then hepatitis B is more likely than C.

D. the most probable cause is Primary biliary cirrhosis
INcorrect, may present with high Bilirubin but the liver transaminase are not this elevated.
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