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terminated from residency PGY2-Need help - targethigh

this is from 2008

if you search you been trying to get residency since 2007.

man you either a troll or some fcking looser
It's nothing but A waste of time to comment on people who get jealous when other people work efficiently with 2yrs of training and arguing without having knowledge about something.

@targethigh: You were on probation, your evaluations were not good... and then terminated, that's what the programs do.
And state boards are giving license to the physicians knowing all of these. You have to write explanation properly, Check w/ FSMB...and you will see the states allow physicians to practice w/ 2yrs of training. You can contact Indiana state board, that is the easiest. you have to go to Indiana when they call you for your interview. Don't worry man you will get the license unless you have any issue like drug abuse. VA clinics recruit physicians even they are not Board certified or Board eligible and many practices do the same. You can give your Skype id, If possible my friend will contact you.
hello all,

i have been reading this thread.. just wanted to give in what i saw...
I have come across few MD's who have done fellowships without doing residency. as they did not do residency they are not board certified. i am not aware about the billing etc.. but as far as I know, those MD's were covered by the university umbrella coverage. In fact i have met only 2 MD's like this. But they finished couple yrs ago. I am not sure of the rules and regulations today.
hope this helps you all in the conversation.
Good luck.
@mstar: that is a different issue, they didn't fail their fellowship and they are working as faculty in a university with a restricted license, they cannot be employed elsewhere.
to targethigh,

Did you try find a residency service on ama site? and how about ?

Board review for you to say that state licence will not permit you to practice in that state you must truly be a moron or have some reasoning disability.
No one is looking for residency in the forum, we are trying to help others.
I hope this help.

Finding a practice in a state that will sponsor your visa won't be easy, but you can get a state license in certain states, assuming no medical malpractice etc etc. If that got someone kicked out of residency or for other reasons, I would just put the disclaimer that just because you are eligible in a certain few states doesn't mean you are guaranteed a license. They will still Vet you
@waleed......don't you mind that buffoon......this moron is the most self-serving narcissistic lying fag I ever came across.

he started off inflating his scores using username "doctam3" until he was caught dead in his lies then he transformed to "boardreview", a supposedly PG1 resident at bronx lebanon.

I'm sure this maniac is gallivanting the corridors of bronx lebanon doing only God knows what.
I've met IM residents, they are so busy with work that they hardly have any social life left especially in PG1 but this self acclaimed PG1 resident is constantly here deceiving the gullible forum members.
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