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NRMP applicant survey. put the confusion to rest - sys_71082
The applicant survey means NOTHING. It tells you nothing about your match status no matter when you received it. People receive it at different times because when they send bulk emails to people in the thousands, its bound to go slower to some people and faster to others depending on the server they are using, how busy the server is, etc. it has absolutely, positively, no meaning.

the appliacnt survey is used to create the NRMP Match Statistics and is done every year. it is for research purposes only and EVERYONE received it. if you dont receive it then maybe your email settings may be set to automatically deleting spam instead of saving it which is possible and likely.
Well, do you really believe that ...
1) Lee Oswald killed Kennedy?
2) That humans are the only life-forms in our galaxy?
3) There is life after death?
4) Putin has nothing to do with the mess in Eastern Europe?
5) Santa Klaus is fake?

Now tell me that there is no covert operations going on with these emails "randomly sent/unsent" at different hours of the day/night while those NRMP computers churn away ....match, no-match, match, no-match, partial-match, match ....
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