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IM interview q - sheerib
please help me what are the sensible questions to ask during Interviewing in M program
Really? Your question itself sounds insensible. You shouldn't prepare a set of general questions for programs.

Do your research, find out more about the program & tailor your question for each program. Try as much as possible to ask questions that will give the interviewer opportunity to brag on & on about their program ie ask questions about their achievements for eg if a program was on probation but now has full accreditation, ask how they regained their full status & plans they have to sustain it.

As a general rule, the question should be about them! Don't make it about yourself. If you have any negative questions you would like some clarification, reserve it for the residents
No question is stupid. Basically the question the candidate should ask should be
- Specific
- Not very easy to answer
- Not extremely difficult that interviewer would not know
- Show candidate's intelligence and genuine interest in program

I would advise to research program and ask question based on your reading. In cases where it is hard or interviewer keep asking you to ask question just to see your endurance level (yes, half the program do that)
I would ask to community based program to reveal their financial side or how the program is funded to determine whether or not it will able to sustain next few years till you are there. And if they ask why you came up with this questions you can answer that you came across couple of programs that were about to close or on probation because of financial instability.

For university programs, you may ask prospect after passing. If university offers fellowships, what past residents do normally stay or go out...something that shows you may stay once graduated.
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