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q bank - doctorofindia
Which of the following class II antigens would be most likely to play
a contributing role in hay fever?
A. DR2
B. DR3
C. DR4
D. DR5
E. Dr7

A 32-year-old female who is 6 months pregnant presents for prenatal
care. A routine evaluation is performed, including testing for HIV
antibody. The patient is reported to be negative for RPR, but positive
for HIV antibody by the enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA). The HIV Western
blot is positive for antibody to the p24 antigen. The patient should
be counseled
A. that she and her baby were both infected with HIV
B. that she had a false-positive HIV EIA
C. that she is negative for HIV since the RPR was negative
D. that she is positive for the HIV virus
E. to have an HIV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test performed >

A mailman receives a severe bite wound from a pit bull while delivering
mail. The wound is cleansed and he receives a booster injection of tetanus
toxoid and an injection of penicillin G. The bite site becomes inflamed
and purulent. The exudate was cultured on blood agar and yielded
gram-negative rods. Antibiotic sensitivity tests are pending.
The agent most likely to be isolated is
A. Bartonella henselae
B. Brucella canis
C. Clostridium tetani
D. Pasteurella multocida
E. Toxocara canis
A previously healthy 18-month-old girl is brought to the office with
2 days of irritability, poor appetite, and pulling at her left ear. She
has no known allergies, and her vaccinations are up-to-date. On
examination, the child's temperature is 102.8 F. She is easily
consoled by the mother and moves her neck spontaneously without
discomfort. There is a clear discharge from the nares. The left
tympanic membrane is erythematous, dull, and bulging. Which of
the following virulence factors is generally absent in the
strains of the causative organism that produce otitis media,
compared with those that produce epiglottitis or meningitis?
A. b-Lactamase
B. IgA protease
C. Lipopolysaccharide
D. Nonpilus adhesins
E. Pili
F. Pneumolysin
G. Polyribitol phosphate

A traveler to a foreign country develops acute lymphatic filariasis
four months after his return to the United States. His symptoms include
scrotal inflammation, itching, and localized scrotal swelling and
tenderness of the inguinal lymph nodes. Which of the following immune
mechanisms does the body employ against the live filarial worms ?
A. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
B. Anti-receptor antibodies
C. Arthus reaction
D. Complement-mediated reactions
E. Deposition of circulating antigen-antibody complexes

A 4-year-old child presents to a physician with purpura. Questioning
of the mother reveals that the child also has a history of eczema and
recurrent pneumococcal pneumonia. Blood studies demonstrate
thrombocytopenia and a selective decrease in IgM. Patients with
this disorder have a 12% chance of developing which of the following
potentially fatal malignancies?
A. Astrocytoma
B. Chronic myelogenous leukemia
C. Colon carcinoma
D. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
E. Wilms' tumor

A 24-year-old man presents with fever, rash, a mild headache, and
a sore throat. He denies HIV risk factors, although he is sexually active.
On examination, his temperature is 100.8°F and his pulse is 90/min. There
is a diffuse, erythematous, maculopapular rash over most of his body.
Generalized adenopathy is appreciated, and photophobia is noted when
funduscopic examination is attempted. If this man is not treated, which
of the following changes in his serologic status will most likely occur?
A. The FTA-ABS titer would fall
B. The FTA-ABS titer would rise
C. The VDRL titer would fall
D. The VDRL titer would rise
E. Both FTA-ABS and VDRL would fall
F. Both FTA-ABS and VDRL would rise
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