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Are you applying this year? You must read this!!! - bjkanu
Resident doctors want to help in every way possible so that you can match and join them. Registration is free and access is very regulated. Go now to and see what is going on.
If you are worried about the safety of the website, try this first
Dont miss out on this opportunity!
Beware of viruses on the website @bjkanu is posting. The system has identified him as a professional spammer :
I am not a spammer @sick. Give it a try, alot of people are on it. I am applying this year like everyone else and I have proof of it. Give it a try and goodluck in the match
@bjkanu : If you are indeed applying this year then use/participate in this forum ... it is THE BEST for IMGs/FMGs.
I definitely am, and it has been helpful. The problem is for the match, you cant get enough help. Resroute has something unique to offer. I suggest you give it a try.
It has nothing to offer, your forum has zero posts. You own that website and are just trying to market it here. So instead of spamming us or trying to send us viruses PLEASE just pay the forum mod here for an advert - simple.
The site is new but I dont own it, I definitely know the residents that who are trying to start it up. It is a great idea and a secure place. You wont have to worry about spammers!
Your lies are too much. Just pay the mod here for an advert and stop spamming bro.
@sick lets stop the blame game and focus on how to match. Goodluck!
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