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dont out source american job when american qualify - pothel
Outsourcing is one of the reasons our economy is so messed-up.
So you think America is supposed force programs to take you regardless of your credentials? My friend, stop whining. You are not entitled to anything. You just took a shortcut and then got lost in the middle of nowhere. We all know how your great country feels about people like you. They don't give a shit. And regarding non US-IMGs, well they are not your competition. I've heard of US IMGs getting into surgery and radiology. If you were good enough, they would take you. Truth is that you are not. That's why programs prefer to actually spend money sponsoring visas than hiring you. It would be cheaper and easier for them to take you, but you are so shitty that they prefer to go with some "weird foreign guy". Can't you see that you failed? It is your problem, your inability, your incapacity, your lack of competitiveness. Anyways, we all know that good old America is working very hard to eliminate the chances of ALL IMGs in a few years. So, there is no real reason to whine about this stuff. You are doomed, we are doomed. A lot pot people make bad decisions that ruin their lives. Suck it up and move on with your life. Or waste more time trying to approve some ridiculous bill....LOL
@aybabtu: "Outsourcing is one of the reasons our economy is so messed-up."
Incorrect on two counts:
1) Out sourcing does NOT damage an economy.
2) America's current economy is not messed up.

Unless of course you are a "Trumper" Smile
@Fruit.Cake LOL with that name.........
1. Obama Care is so messed up that Doctors pay Patients almost to see them only insurance companies are making money with it. 75% of who got the subsidy to pay for the "Affordable" health car premiums must pay it back at Tax time= Higher taxes by the US GOV, in fact some are Paying thousands at Tax time.

2. Where have you been? The Lies told by the Dems about our economy! My God Walmart has closed stores and others have gone out of business, the Rich are Richer and the poor are poorer and the middle class smaller every year.

3. Here in Puerto Rico we are poorer than ever.................

All I can say is WOW
@student1960 (yes i like fruit cake Smile
1) Your assertion about ACA is factually incorrect. While not perfect, it is a great start to fixing the "leaky bucket" health care system that we have had for a long time. Squeezing the unnecessary middle-men out is the eventual goal and a process. Since it's inception it has lead to the largest extension of health care coverage since the creation of Medicare in 1966.
2) I do not listen to my news about the economy from politicians. Please don't count on unbiased news from Fox News/Rusg Limbaugh - you should know better ... especially making statements like "Walmart closed stores so the US economy must be bad". Walmart closing some poor performing stores has nothing to do with the US economy. Mind you some of them were located a few miles away from a much more successful Walmart store! Something Limbaugh may have left out telling you is that Walmart also handed out pray raises ..... Stores closing is not a new thing. It happens. Remember, globally there is no economy that is doing well.
3) If there are no opportunities for you in PR, come to the main-land. You have a medical degree and unrestricted work-privileges and there are tons of opportunities. Foreigners come into this country with a lot of challenges and restrictions are are still able to find (and generate) jobs. Americans need to learn a thing or to and stop being fearful / xenophobic.
@ fruitcake,

Outsourcing, NAFTA, GAT, and our incessant demand for cheaper products/labor have lowered the standard of living for most Americans.
@aybabtu The world is becoming a global village. Outright job protection policies is not the solution in my opinion. Tell me honestly, which first world country is not seeing a decline in the standard of living??
Why not going to an american medical school if you are a citizen?
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