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Exam end of March - kcbutterfly228
Hey guys,
Just gave my first Nbme today. I started with 11 and got 510.
Is there a chance to be ready for the exam by the end of March???
What do you think?
Hello butterfly!
Congrats for taking form 1 finally. GoodJ. I think it possible (:

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."
-Helen Keller

Start hard work of 12-14hrs

Big like @cardio69 , really your words encourage me even when you say it to other people not to me, good luck @kcbutterfly
Thank you cardio, I really appreciate your comment. Yes that is my plan, actually I had to slow down a bit b/c of family stuff but if I squeeze my butt I know I can sit for 12 hours.
Cardio is it necessary to take all the nbmes or would 2-3 more be enough? I didn't have a problem with timing, I had like 7-12 minutes left after each block. But I had questions which I just did not remember. So I guess my biggest goal now is to revise all the stuff that was borderline: reproductive, behavioral, nervous system. I will do the next in two weeks. Which ones 15,16,17???
Thanks farahahmed!
All the best kcbutterfly . U can do it ..what does 510 score mean ?
Reminemi 510 is like 230
@Butterfly sound like great plan. I know you are mom and more power to you its hard work and believe it or not mom always do better in usmle & residency path. Its not necessary to take all ( from your msg you only skip 12 & 13) but if you take one form each week, you be able to take all if your exam mid March.
Work on those weak/def area review your form and ask WHY? and dissected concept to push those lines stuff that borderline -> RIGHT for each nb report.

GL keep going

@Farah thank you. Hope you enjoying CKSmile
@cardio69 Yes I am enjoying Smile)
hey plz tell me how convert nmbe in three digit,yest.i did nmbe 11got 173 correct.
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