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International Language Step 1 Question Bank?? - usmletwin
Hello everyone!

I am thinking of developing a Step 1 question bank that have questions set to non-English languages. I wanted to ask everyone here if you would think this would be helpful in your studying? Particularly if you are an international medical student, seeking to pass Step 1 and Step 2 USMLE's, would this be something you would want access to?

My family members are immigrants, and speaking with a lot of family members about medical education, I've come to realize that a lot of international individuals who earn a medical degree in another country end up not being able to practice medicine in the United States because they are not familiar with how to study for the Step 1 and Step 2 exams.

This is a huge hurdle for them, even if basic English is not a problem. I thought that we can fill a transition for international MD's to help them pass the USMLE exams by having a "dual translation" version of a question bank.

Such a "International Language Question Bank" would consist of creating a "dual test presentation" screen where--say--the left-hand of the screen is in English with the practice question (and explanations), and the right-hand of the screen has the reader's native language. The user can then read back and forth, comparing vocabulary and medical learning topics to learn.

Although a lot of international MD's are well-qualified, they are not able to practice medicine in the United States because of difficulties passing the Step 1 and 2 exams. I am thinking of developing a language platform that will enable international students to begin to gain confidence and medical knowledge in solid English to make that transition. Increasing the number of international physicians who are able to practice here would also help fill the need for more physicians in areas such as family medicine and internal medicine.

Please share your opinions!! I would love to hear back from you!!

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