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ethics - irina25
1) if a pregn pt is mentally retarded and her parents demand abortion, the pt wants to continue pregnancy, wat is to be done?

2)While operating for appendix a surgeon sees ovarian tumor,he cannot resect without concent and will have to wait for pt to wake up... can he take biopsy without concent or he cannot even take biopsy?

3)Does a competent pregnant mother have the right to refuse a Cs that is good for her baby? if she refuses do we need a court order to have it on her?
1. dont abort as competancy is legal matter not medical matter
2. nothing to do....dissect appendix and close the abdo. later on after concent do whatever pt tells
3. yes she can refuse and you have to need to bring court in baby is a part of mother so she can do whatever she wants
norwalk, what do you think about the answer for Q1

the parents can not force the girl to have an abortion.because committed mentally ill patients retain their rights. the best way to facilitate discussion between the firl and her parents concerning their disagreement.

1. Court decides
2. Don't touch the tumor, don't do biopsy, with for the patient's consent
3. pregnant women have the right to decide the mode of delivery. She overrules if the child is still in her. However, this right is lost once the child is born. Alibism
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