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 @babyface or anyone who completed cs   - dhusor2012
Hi, please could you please give me the study sequence for this exam? Like first what to do, at what level I need someone to practice etc. Please help me with this because I am a beginner and I'm really very confused.
dhusor the first thing I did was got a fa 5th edition the latest one I started to read it and I had no idea how to do what I was reading. Cause I know what I learned in clinical did not cover the way the first aid was telling me to do the encounter its a good book tho for the cs. So after asking a bunch of other guys and researching the internet I found csevideo, there were some mixed reviews but I took my chances and got 6 months subscription I later sold the last two months cause I only needed 4 months. That sounds like a long time but I had to pass. I took my fa and starting watching the csevideos since they matched the fa cases it made the study process very clear and I knew what I had to do for each section of the encounter. so first

1. I watched the csevideos a few times
2. watched the csevideos with the fa a few times
3. then after that I started to practice the cases out. first I would do the history part until I got the timing down for the questions.
4. then I watched again
5. then I started to do the pe portion until I got even the long pe in the right time
then I did the audio in csevideos at the gym each day just to get the idea of the cs in my head. I always used to do audios on my other steps like I did goljan audio on the treadmill for step 1
6. then I used some of my friends from school and they were doing the same thing as me and we all practiced on each other and family members the whole case scenario until I had the timing just right.

for the cis part I was kind and respectful and patient with each sp. I called csevideo and I talked to them about some things and the lady on the phone told me to love the sp and the sp will love you back and to treat the sp like it was my mom brother or gf and that waw a big push in going a long way in cis and empathy.

I reviewed the mini cases when I felt unsure and some of the csevideos covers the mini cases so I watched those videos and did the assessment exam in csevideo that helped me with remembering details for the pn

I did at least 4-5 pn a day after I got my timing in order for the scenario until I was doing it mostly from memory in ten min.

I worked for my score because my first attempt I failed becasue I did nothing I just thought rotations was gonna be enough

I went to sleep early the night before since I was traveling that morning from nj to philly I had a good breakfast a good prayer time and I felt confident and nervous.

and I passed higher performance in each section I do thank the fa and csevideo for my pass since these two resources spelled out exactly what I needed to do and putting the schedule together and doing the work was me and of course Gods help!
thank you babyface for detailed response, im also just lost about these cases, ill get cse video subscription too, i hope itll make sense then, i really lack in PE part, thank u again
congrats babyface!
thank you babyface very much
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