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Re: Enough is enough ban h1b/j1 visas - private
@dyz123: which garbage foreign medical school did you go to that you cannot secure a residency spot? Why do you have low scores?
American residencies for American medical school graduates.
The spots for IMGs is based on competition. No automatic spots for under qualified Americans!! ... LOL
Agreed..I have met so many american grads and they have no problems at all securing the seats. Only one complaining about IMGs are generally those who are american citizens and went to Irish/caribbean medical school using their parent's money or the ones who somehow manage to graduate from american school and don't deserve to be doctor. Read what ECFMG has to say about this rant. One of the ECFMG official responded on Quora that residencies are meant for American graduates, period, however, some locals are at bottom and don't even deserve to be resident. American public deserved to be served by competent doctors. So, IMGs take their spots. There are situations when IMGs are at least 1 or 2 standard deviation better than locals, so IMGs get picked. Of course, there are also situations where IMGs are exceptional and get picked at top programs, and also those are whom every nation would want to retain.
so why did you ranjit and private came to america? stay back in pakistan and india. fmg will always be fmg. do not shit on my country Smile
@amiqtstudents : I came to "Amrika" because unqualified clowns like you exist and so the system needs more competent individuals.
FMG, IMG are the same thing. Or if you prefer, low caliber US-IMG's are the "US rejects" that ended up in that one-room-medical "university" in sunny Aruba .... ha ha
Abbottabad ia too hot for me and I now love the cold of the Midwest .... though your gals may be a bit chubby here but they are very eager to please after just dinner at Applebee's Smile
Again need to revisit basics bud!! you assumed our countries, so which country you are from? one of the European countries that invaded other countries made them slaves, sucked their blood, made colonies and went their uninvited without any visa or anything, plundered them, went out looking for India but found US named them Indians out of least new ppl coming here contribute to the US and come to the US legally. I would rather think you are also from one of the Asian countries who just want to be the last one to enter the US and close the door behind. Bud don't behave like typical loser who had nothing to do in life and sit on past laurels of ancestory. Spots are up for grabs for local candidates as ECFMG lays out; it's just that some are too bad to get them so programs prefer giving them to IMGs
This is as dumb as the current government.

Ban H1 and J visas and see how many AMGs and US IMGs go to the rust belt, the deep south or flyover America to practice primary care medicine where nobody else wants.
I'd like to see a few AMGs go through the internship BS I had to go through in a program that none of them would even consider.

dyz123 is clearly brave. Locking messages is for cowards that cannot defend their opinions.
its really a funny petition..
Seems like a few of you are bitter. Banning H1 and J visas... that's funny. If you are an AMG and you can't achieve residency on your own cognizance then you should work harder. I know AMGs who have failed 2/3 times and still have Matched because they have the American school buffer. After all the help AMGs have and you Still can't Match.... you suck, simple as that. If the playing field was even remotely similar when you compare IMG/FMGs to AMGs, so many more AMG would not be Matching due to mediocrity. I know plenty of FMG/IMG students who are smarter, better stats, more degrees, more experience, and more hardworking than their AMG counterparts. If they are taking your spots it's because they are better... The End, get over it.
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