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Reading material without solving questions. - usmle1996
Hello all. I am doing my first read from kaplan books and watch the videos( will also read goljan for pathology) , but I don't solve any u-world questions yet. I think about doing u world along wit FA after my first read. I just want to finish these books for the first reading fast so my basements becomes better. But some people constantly tell me that reading material without any qbank or sth is just nonsense. Sad is that true? Or reading all and afterwards solving questions works for anyone? Sad
Do some questions atleast to see if you getting knowledge or not, sure leave uWorld till end, but maybe do Kaplan Qbank or USMLE Rx or (it's free and can do custom test for specific topic like just visual pathways) or BRS Pathology/Physiology

The point is I learn better when solving questions as I learn what mistake was in my concepts. And if I get question wrong, I will repeat the concept at night and morning to cement it in my mind.

Everyone is different, you may learn at fast rate (better conceptually) than others but I still think you need to review material you read somehow, and doing questions is just one of methods.

Maybe you study method is different from others is so don't worry alot, just do what ever you think is better and you comfortable with it.

If you watch all videos, next month you may retain only 10% or less of what you learnt.

I hope it helps

Good Luck :-)
@cerig289 Thank you so much! Smile
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