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@cardio69 pl ans the q below /any body who kns an - miacarmel
32. A 62-year-old woman who was discharged from the hospital several hours ago following evaluation of optic neuritis now has swelling of her ankles. Prior to admission, the patient had a 3-day history of loss of vision and poor color perception in her right eye. Visual acuity on admission was less than 20/200 in her right eye and was 20/40 in her left eye. The remainder of the physical examination was noncontributory. Blood pressure on admission was 140/80 mm Hg. The patient had been otherwise healthy and had been taking no medications. She has never worn corrective lenses. Family history is significant for thyroid disorder. During her hospital stay, the patient received intravenous methylprednisolone therapy for the past four days. Vital signs today are temperature 37.2°C (99.0°F), pulse 100/min, respirations 14/min, and blood pressure 150/95 mm Hg. Physical examination shows ankle edema but is otherwise unchanged from physical examination done on admission. Laboratory studies are obtained. Which of the following serum laboratory study results is most likely in this patient?

A) Decreased magnesium concentration
?[B) Decreased sodium concentration]
C) Increased calcium concentration
D) Increased glucose concentration
E) Increased potassium concentration
pl explain answer
You recall cortisone & hydrocortisone hv Glucocorticoid mindertalconticoid properties. Synthetic analogs like Methylprednisolone/IV, a corticosteroid as adm in pat with optic neuritis that may delay onset of pat most likely MS underlining of pat in stem. As u see that SE of for the past 4 days -> INC hypertension 150/95 (Salt & H2O retention) swelling of her ankle and as u know because waste K they should of supply pat with K and bz of no dietary salt restriction complete pic of stem as preached. ↓carbo & glucose tolerance + as possibility dyslipidemia/lipomatosis ->

*D* ↑ glucose conc.


You have q mark on B that would be wrong ans. As I just explain above.
Yeah, I guess because of Increased glucose concentration is the right one..
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