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my exam experience - palls
hi everybody
i finished my exam on 19 .i was busy moving back home to my husband .

anyways coming to my xam.i tried sleeping early not just that nite but from past one week.i almost stopped reading from 3 days .just turned pages but believe me ,i was soo tensed i couldnt study the point here is i feel what u learn n take to the exam is somethg u do a month or two before .not the week dont postpone anythg .try to finish ur portion way before a month.NO LEFTOVERS.

Tried sleeping early but couldnt sleep before 12 .then got up at 7 from bed but was awake from 5.30 n wanted to turn pages,resisted myself from it

i was there at the centre at 8.30 n started my exam by 8.40.there is nothing much we need to do before exam.all u do is keep ur thgs in locker.thgs by which i mean food drinks ,water n tablets.i had taken tablets for headache,acidity,loosies n a juice with glucose.lunch was curd rice.i suggest everybody to take enough food coz u tend to feel very hungry n drained thru the exam .

For all coffee lovers : u wont get coffee there. even if u do ,we cant afford to waste time sipping it .so take some drink with caffeine in it .caffeine withdrawal headache is not somethg we shd want on the xam day.

Inside the exam hall:i kept all my thgs to a side n started my test.skipped the tutorial n went directly to the test.i saw the tutorial abt 2 times before in the cd.

Advice :be confident to skip the tutorial .go thru it all at home.anythg new coming up in the exam ,u mite panic.
i took breaks aftr every block .had somethg to eat like banana n drink water or juice .went to loo.just for all this it takes more than 8 min.

Advice: keep track of ur break time.Last 3 blocks u shd have more than 10 min break .

Q aftr q kept coming ,i didnt spend even a min on those which r totally new to me, ticked somethg n went ahead.marked less than 10 q.

Last two blocks i was soooo drained i couldnt apply brain to questions which needed some logic n thking.the first blocks ws able to manage with 5 to 8 min in the last for reviewing but at the end couldnt even review the marked some point of time i was reading a q more than twice.but that didnt last thanks to redbull[the energy drink]

Abt the questions ..shd tell u guys frankly i really dont know how many q come from what.i feel its very difficult to analyse the exam.even before u register in ur mind which subject the q is from,u answer it n move to the next.u tend to stick to q which r difficult n those r the ones u register in ur the end of the exam u rem most of the q u made never make the mistake of refering them aftr going bk home .

when i was going to the exam ,i was confused.i was worried if i would b able to answer even one q rite...slowly whn u move thru the first block by the 15 q ur tension is down n u r at ease.a bulk of tough q mite come at panics u get steady n concentrate .its not going to last .

Some q seemed like greek n latin to me.some topics were never touched.esp those where u put in lots of effort to remember .this mite disappoint u.but the exam is somethg like that.Advice :dont expect anythg of the exam .just do ur best.dont try analysing how u did.just give it a shot.every q is imp so is every subject.
at the end of exam i felt i didnt do my exam well.i dont rem any q .All i know is i just crossed what seeed to be a big hurdle.sitting thru for 8 hours seemed the most diff task.And i just did it.

Leaving the score to God im happy i atleast attempted it.
this is all for now .will post as on how many hours to read n what to read aftr my score....wish me luck guys.
any queries feel free to ask.

Last but not the least sleep well before the exam.the task here is not the questions but how well u can take the stress.

hey palls! every1 of my frnds had the same thig to say bout the the time its done all the neurotransmitters r depleted! but am sure do grt nd ull end up gettin great score shall pray for u! all this time i was wonderin how ur exam was...i knew it was sumtim b4 drgirls' that ur done with it ENJOY!! i have mine coming up in 23 days....nd the countdown has started!! all the best nd take care!!
hey good job palls at least u r free now!!i hope u will score good ,my exam is very near ,did u do the nbme? n what u did for last 3 - 4 weeks?
i am also writing after 23 day. So keeping my fingers crossed.

My wishes are there for you.Come u with good score.Good luck.
hi guys
thanks for ur wishes.usmle_friend i did my nbme1 one n half months before my xam n scored i studied really hard one month n then gave nbme 2 scored 94.i thk it would b better if u take my example aftr i get my result.Last 3 weeks as i said earlier.didnt learn anythg new .just revise revise n revise.did the qbank q.[only mistakes made earlier]
read first aid last one week.
yeh freshgrad am keepin mine crossed fact i had a great deal of trouble typin this msg!!! haha.....
Thank you for sharring your experience with us. I wish you the best!

Could you please send remembered questions from your exam. Tnx. pandora2031
weel done n best of luck
best of luck.....
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