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question here - zaib
I think asthma is unlikely given the facts that he has ahd no prev hosp admissions in all these years, and has no wheezing inspite of having enuf of an obstruction on expiration that he has a RR of 10.
it is emphysema, chronic bronchitis should heve 3 months of cough, sputum on two consequetive years. Our patient has nonproductive cough, so it could be emphysema.
He has a nonproductive, chronic, daily cough.

is this is your criteria to diagnose asthma ?
look either it,s emphysemaa or asthmaa,,
def.of chronic bronchitis is ,,
productive cough for at least 3 mths ,more than 2 episodes in last 2 years....
any way ..more inputs needed...
tell me onething how u guys differ ch.bronchitis from emphysemaa in this patient..
here r some differentiating points in general betn chr bron and emphy

CB Pts appear more comfortable than emphysema pts
Cb pts tend to be overweight (thin in emphysema)
CB: PLethoric face
CB: Productive cough
CB: Normal DLcon(DLco decreased in emphy)
CB: Greater tendency to have lower PO2 and higher PCO2
In the absence of productive cough, CB is unlikely.
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