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sexually transmitted disease - timpu
Guy i find it difficult to remember the std?
Is there a way to remember each characteristic or any pneumonic?
any one having short cuts to remember.
Syphillis:T. pallidum>>>begins with a chancre >>>>painless>>>>primary>>around the genital region,secondary>>(palms of the hands and the soles of the feet ),tertiary(called gummas) cardiovascular syphilis and neurosyphilitic disease>>It may affect the skin, liver, digestive tract, scles, eyes and endocrine organs
What is Chlamydia?

Like gonorrhea, chlamydia infections primarily affect the urethra in men and the cervix in women---major cause of pelvic inflammatory disease

Men who do experience symptoms typically experience watery or milky discharge from the urethra as well as painful urination. In addition, chlamydia may cause the testicles to become swollen causing irritation.

Women may also experience symptoms such as discomfort when urinating which becomes more frequent as the condition develops
(LGV) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis >>serotypes L1, L2 and L3>>>primry lesion and secondary lesion
other manifestation.
Esthiomene (Greek, "eating away") is a primary infection of the lymphatics of the external genitalia and may cause chronic pregressive lymphangitis, chronic edema, and sclerosing fibrosis of the subcutaneous tissue of these structures.

Follicular conjunctivitis due to autoinoculation of infectious discharge.

Primary LGV lesions of the mouth and pharynx as the result of fellatio or cunnilingus.

Erythema nodosum may occur during the early stages of infection..

LGV---due to chlamydia----tiny papules(no ulcers)in genital region----ass with reactive lymphadenitis with GRANULOMAS and draining sinuses
timpu, where do u live in wisconsin....i m at south ............very intersted for combined study............................, is there contect no, or ID......
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