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Family med vs. IM - miguel
hello people. This question is especially for people who are in residency in theses fields. I am currently applying for the match and considering either IM of Family Med. Can you please give the pros and cons, advantages disadvantages, level of difficulty/quality of personal life during residency, salary after residency of these programs? Any views will be greatly appreciated.
any comments please....
i am interested in IM. but now i just changed my mind. if i am matched into an IM program, it will be an average or below average program (most like community based). this kind of program is the kind you dont want to go for because either bad teaching, bad enviroment, bad research, .................. , bad salary ........... or lots lots of working load. if i am matched into a FM program, it will be good one (most like university based). i will see different kinds of patients, learn uncomplicated procedures, ...... most important, i got a real life - enjoy my family (i have 3 sons and one daught), have time for vacation, visit zoos with my kids, go to Disneyland, also earn the same amount of money as the general internist. i am old, i know what a life should be. but if you are young (in 28s, even early 30s), you go for IM and fellowship. hope this helps!
Thanks farmview. anymore views opinions??? I know a lot of you guys are thinking about getting into IM or FM, please need more comments........
FP is a blind alley,I mean one way for life.
Hi Nasir, can you explain why you feel that way about FP? thanks
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