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test in cs exam - adrenaline_n
hi guys there r few test/sign we have to do. what we tell/instruct pt. while doing test and how to perform it. & when to perform them.
tinel, phenal, adson, ant./post. drawer sign, collateral strain,
obturator, psoas, rovesing
weber & rinne test with interpretation
dix-hallpike test ( for bppv-benign paroxysysmal positional vertigo) someone posted about this is link for it.

i would appreciate if u guys can help to describe about these tests.
Tinel's sign-"I need to tap on your wrist.Let me start with the one that doesn't hurt."
with your finger,percuss over the course of median nerve in the carpal tunnel.
(for carpal tunnel syndrome, upper extremity pain)
Phalen's test (for carpal tunnel syndrome)- Hold the patient's wrists in acute flexion for 30- 60 seconds."Do this.Let me know if it hurts."(Desmonstrate action.)
Adson's test (Thoracic outlet test)- I need to take your pulse.I'm going to lift your hand. Please look at your hand.Thanks.
In presence of thoracic outlet syndrome,radial pulse will disappear.
Ant/post.drawer sign- "I need to push and pull on your knee.Okay,now the other one."
Collateral strain- "I need to push on your knee.Now the other one."(Knee pain)
Obturator sign- "I need to uncover your leg.I'm going to bend it.Tell me if it hurts."
Psoas sign- "PLease turn over to your left side.I need to lift your leg and pull it back.Tell me if this is painful."(Appendicitis)
Rovsing's sign- pain in RLQ when press on LLQ.
Weber test-vibration louder in normal ear if unilateral sensorineural deafness.
vibration louder in affected ear if unilateral condution deafness.
Rinne test- AC + after bone condution is gone in sensorineural deafness.
NO air conduction after bone conduction is gone in conduction deafness.
thanks a lot angle4
kool thanks a lot angel 4
hi angle4, for drawer sign -tell pt that i need to push and pull your knee ---means what? flex and & extend the knee?
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