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Prematch but least wanted, reapply next yr? Help! - whl126
Signed a prematch 1 months ago, but the least wanted program of my lists, no prematch thereafter, attended 4 other ivs but only one has more than 5 match positions. I am a very old graduate(1989), 97/98/pass, GC, apply to IM. Will next year be better after I get the step 3 score and apply again? But I have applied to 120 and all my favorite programs this year.
any one please?

No, step 3 will not change your situation

You graduated many years back with every extra year your chances will decrease

Unless you want to apply and spend in 120 applications and get another 5 interviews!!!

Take what you have and go from there
dude, just take it and close it off. you will cry next year if you lose this one. cos next year is the big one.
Thank you both so much: moderator3 and Kcee.
Based on what you wrote, you have signed prematch which means you are bound already.
I agree with kcee. I have a feeling next year's gonna be a terrible year and so will the year after that as IMGs from UK start giving the USMLE plus the IMGs in present country know that UK is no longer an option will only concentrate on USMLE.
It's too early to comment on your chances next year but you'll have do much better with a Step 3 score and the clinical experience for this year.

However, you'll be asked this more often than not next year -"Why do you want to move out of your current program".

But I would say go for it. Because remember "You cannot hit the ball out of the park if you don't swing your bat".

cheers and gl.
Many thanks for all of the precious opinions and advice. I agreed with most of you, but just felt like fighting with "destiny" that I am forced to accept. I guess it's better to take and enjoy it, right?
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