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behavioral science :high yield - dolly123
What are the :
1. Preventive services needed for Alcoholism

2. Preventive services needed for Diabetes

3. Preventive services needed for Drug Abuse

4. Preventive services needed for High-risk sexual behavior

5. Preventive services needed for Homeless, Refugee, or Immigrant

5 mm indurationfor patients with HIV or, other defect in cell mediated immunity contact of a known case, and patients with a chest x-ray of TB.
10 mm induration for immigrants for high prevalence areas, prisoners, homeless, IVDA, nursing home residents, low income populations, and chronically medical illness.
15 mm induration for individuals who are not in a high prevalence group.

All cases should be reported to local and state health departments
Institute respiratory isolation (if TB is suspected ) follow by directly observed multidrug therapy ( usually INH, pyrazinamide, rifampin and ethambutol). Therapy on at least rifampin and INH should continued for six months.
Administer vitamin B6 (pyridoxine ) with INH to prevent peripheral neuritis.
Drugs for TB- RESPIre
Pyrazinamide, INH
Prophylactic INH 300 mg/d-6 m should be given to : (RIF 600 mg PO q/d “6 m if intolerant to INH)
1. Patients in whom a TST conversion develops within 2 years of a previously negative TST regardless of their age.
2. Persons with a history or CXR of untreated TB and evidence of recent infection
3. All TST reactors younger than 35, regardless of the induration of the positive skin test.
4. Persons with a positive TST who are at high risk for development of active disease due to immunesupression
5. Household members and close contacts of patients with active disease with a positive TST
Person with a positive TST test , should receive a CXR and clinical evaluation for TB
Close contacts who have a negative TST but who are at high risk for TB should be treated. Treatment may be stopped if a TST 3 months later is still negative.
Now for Refugge's w ehave to give post preventive services regarrding PTSD DISORDER , so supportive -refugge survior associations, as well a psyhotherapy -behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic therapy... and involvment with the current community.

REgarding the high risk sexual behavior eduactional clasese for STD's , HIV as well as Hepatatis B,
IVDa , couns eling for HIV, hepatatis B, C, hepatocelluar carcinoma
Post exposure prophylaxis is recommended if
The HIV exposure is high risk, specifically :
Unprotected receptive anal intercourse
Unprotected vaginal intercourse
Unprotected insertive anal intercourse
Unprotected receptive fellatio with ejaculation
The patients partner is known to be HIV infected or is in an HIV risk group ( such as gay or bisexual men, IVDA, or sex workers )
The exposure occurred within 72 hours of presentation for care.

Treatment regimen ( 4 weeks ):
ZDV , 200 mg PO TID or 300 mg BID
Lamivudine, 150 mg PO BID
Alternative regimen :
Stavudine , 40mg PO BID
Didanosine, 200 mg PO BID
Treatment protocol for post exposure prophylaxis
With either regimen :
Consider adding a Protease inhibitor (Nelfi/Indinavir if partner has a high viral load ( > 50,00 copies/ml ), has advanced HIV disease, or has been previously treated with Nucleoside analogs.

what is the question and what is thatin answer??????

u r too funny halo Smile
I don't know what is the questin reallly ???
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