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Criteria for hospitalization with pneumonia - artepupila
Step 1
Pat with community acquierd pnuemonia
Step 1

Pat with community acquierd Pneumonia

> 50 years


then evaluate: coexisting condition: Neoplastic disease, CHF, Cerebrovascular disease, renal disease, liver disease.

NO, then evaluate:

Altered mental status
pulse>= 125x min
RR>= 30 x min
Systolic blood pressure< 90mmhg
Temp < 35 c or >40 c

NO, then, assign patient to risk class I That means no Hospitalization is needed.

If one of these is YES, assing patient to risk class II - IV.

Step 2

Age -10
nursing home resident +10
coeexisting illnesses
Neoplasic +30
Liver + 20
CHF + 10
CVD +10
Renal + 10
Phtsical examination
Altered mental status + 20
RR >= 30 +20
Systolica Blood pressure < 90 + 20
Temp <35 or >40 c +15
Pulse>= 125 +10

Lab and XR

arterial PH < 7.35 +30
BUN >30 + 20
Na <130 +20
Glucose > 250 + 10

Hematocrit < 30% + 10
Oxygen < 60mmhg, O2 saturation < 90% + 10
Pleural effusion +10

Risk Class

I no predictor Outpatient
II <= 70 Outpatient
III 71-90 Inpatient (briefly)
IV 91-130 Inpatient
V >130 Inpatient

I hope this help you.
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