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Genuine Problem- Not related to USMLE - gigolo
Hi guys, since there was no "forum lounge" to discuss lay issues, Im forced to post here. The issue is that several months ago I defaulted on my Credit card payment & eversince could not keep up with the bill. Due to this USMLE exams, I lost all my savings. My credit card bill of 15,000 Rs has now piled up to 55,000 (40,000/- late payment fee & interest charges only) & I really have no cash to pay. The CC guys are harassing my folks back home & Im here in the US, roaming about jobless & depressed. I really want to beg or borrow & pay atleast like 30,000 if the CC guys settle for a compromise and then once & for all close the chapter. Please anybody suggest me how to handle this situation? My folks back home are cursing me as they are being disturbed.
u should seriously think of hiring a lawyer and claiming Bankrupcy......don't kno how 2 spell...
Although there are many ways you can settle this, but you are trying at a wrong place. Do you expect somebody on this forum to lend you money? Many people fall into the credit card trap and there is nothing unusual about it. And why are you jobless? Are you not eligible to work in US? If you are not, then you should go back to your country and work till you make enough money to support yourself. If you are eligible, then you are pathetic.
Fistly Claim bancrupcy ASAP,
if u are eligible to work in US then work in anyplace which will give u some pay. considering the conversion rates u'll be able to pay off ur bill in very short time.
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