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you taking more K+? - shiney
if a pateint is taking alot of potassium supplements what will happen to her plasma potassium level urine potassium level and aldosterone level?
plasma k increases, aldosterone increases and urine potassium increases ..

shiney have u gone thru a question in uworld , there was a weird concept about potassium elimination from body?
potassium increases then how would aldosterone increase,, i would think decrease OF aldosterone. and potassium decrease
K will inc in the serum and dec in the urine and aldosterone will dec. Correct me if i am wrong
patassium is a stimulus for zona glomerulosa >>>>>>>>aldosrerone increses and this will cause sodium retention and potassium elimination so K+ returns to normal.....correct me if im wrong
I agree with sweetiful if your taking a lot k supplement it will increase your plasma concentration. inc lasma k conc stimulate the secretion of aldosterone in zona glumerulosa. Aldosterone will increase k secretion or elimination in the urine retaining your Na in the ECF
agree k-suppliments for long time causes aldo effected in acute infusion it wont,so Serum k inc --->aldosterone inc--->inc pot excretion.
ultradocmansu,kindly remind me plz what mech u are talking about...will appreciate it.thanks
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