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Theres hope always -

I am an old 98 grad, 2 attempts on step 2, need visa with 89/85. I applied without CSA last year to lots of progs, just one courtesy interview...did not match. It was frustrating.

This year I am ecfmg certified...applied to IM and FP progs. Have 13 interviews so far....not a bad situation I guess.
All i wanna stress is...just keep working on the works out in the end.

I am very happy for you.
I am stress out. I have 4 interview and 5 rejections so far but since 2 weeks everything has been silent.. DOES anyone knows why????
DO I still have hope to get more?
Can I still match with just 4 interviews during the match???

dorota, how many programs did you apply? what are ur credentails? it is not bad to have 4 interviews. good luck!

i 2 have just 4 calls n no word for last few weeks!
i have mailed the progs but have not heard anything from them!
i have 88/88 n waiting for cs.
can i hope for more calls?
some progs have said they r waiting for my cs but if it comes in dec end will it be too late?

I applied to 74 programs (54 to PED and 20 for IM-PED).
83/86, csa waiting results, GC, no research or clinical experience, did some observership at a pediatrics office, US doctor LORs, 2 yrs of experience at my home country
2 mistakes: I guess I applied a little late (end of October) and i check out the box "I was a couple match" when I am actually not. I already fixed it, I hope it's not hurting my applications. The programs download my new profile
Thanks IMG... I'll give my best with this interviews
Wish u the very best

Dorota, Its not the number of fiancee matched with 2 interviews last year. so do ur best for the ones u have....4 is a decent number....lets hope for more

Thanks Ontak,You give me hope and confidence to step forward. I will apply Residency next year. Would you please tell me where I should apply? I like IM, Ped or FP.
Good luck to you.
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