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is it possible to match wid 2 iv's...plzzzz re - 18doc
when talk about scores I was average 84 and 88. My two extern fellows and friends who were in 70s and both of them matched one yr before me as they were having more US clinical exp. Again the key is in commitment.
Hi 18doc,
The fact that they called you to 2 programs means that they liked your application. You have 2 chances. 2>0. there are a quite a few people on this forum that dont have any interviews.
Just go to them and give it your best shot. Go in there and perform like you are they person with 99.999 on usmle Wink once they called u scores dont matter.. they want to see if they can work with you thats all.
Best of luck and let us know how it goes
woooh..........thanks a loads for all the replies
just work at taco bell
he is working for prolnged cure not for short instant cure.
you get free tacos are you kidding me? that's like the dream job!
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