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A Q for smarties! (smamococs) - sunshine2009
I always get confused by Cohort study vs. randomized study
Define Cohort versus Randomized study please!
cohort study compares a group with the given risk factor with the group without risk factors, its an observational study .

while randomised study is experimental , which compares therapeutic benefits of some drug on grp of ppl compared to placebo grp , shud be double blinded to get fair result
A "cohort" of individuals is classified acording to exposure and then followed to determine the efect of exposure on disease outcome. ( The exposure being studied may correlate with the disease outcome, but may NOT be the cause).

In a randomized study: participants are randomized into exposure groups and followed for the development of disease./ provides evidence for cause and not just correlation because only one 'exposure" is manipulated at a time. (cannot be used to study exposures that are known or suspected to be harmful).
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