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Is first aid enough for an IMG to take step1 usmle - masry
hey,if anyone can help? well i am not a graduate yet i need to take step1 and pass to be able to complete my studys in the US (the clinical rotations), so i wonder if first aid is enough source to study from to achieve a really high score?? please if anyone can help i hope leave me his advise
FA is not enough for IMGs.

Do kaplan + goljan + FA
BTW did u go to that website i posted under Egy..? If u did this will seem familiar i hope.

Assalamo Alekom

In a trial to let this forum go back to life again I am posting my experience for step 1
I started to prepare in the 2nd round of emtiaz about may 2006 and applied for the exam in april 2007 , i remember i didn`t study for the whole ramadan.
I hamdoleAllah scored 247/99 I didn`t expect this score at all because of my bad performance during the exam and that I could remember a large number of qs that i did wrong on the exam.
I was not studying alone I was in a Study group made of me ali hoda and mostafa
now I will speak about my studying and how it was

started with Physiology
read whole kaplan and solved the Qbook, it took about a month

was a very bad experience althoug a small book but it was bad,, what really helped me is that I memorized the FA and solved too many qs,,,,Yehia salah helped me so much with the statistics ,, i still remember his words,,but for u shabab i highly recommend high yield for behavioral science

then Biochemistry
I decided to do it 3rd because on of my friends told me he stopped studying for usmle because of the bio, so i thought that if i was able to do it i can go through the whole USMLE isA
again Kaplan and this book is one of best books in kaplan and the videos were great, i didn`t use the videos for all the chapter but only the difficult chapters, i cant forget this slow talking indian man.... he was great but also boring
read kaplan once , did qbook and then memorized whole FA for bio.....Bio had my best performance in the exam score

was so bad, I couldnt go through it at all, too many names and diseases after i finished kaplan i found that i didn`t memorize anything at all so i got MRS from zizo and read it again ,,,,this book is simply so great so funny and makes micro a peace of cakse as they say,,,, to many comics and mnemonic

after i found that kaplan is not always the best books I used BRS for pathology and it was nice.
when i revising pathology 2month before the exam mostafa told me that i must listen to goljan audios,,, and i did
goljan is the best for pathology and step1,,, i didnt read the notes because it was so much but I listen to the tapes, and while listening i was looking at both his notes and slides so it was like a live lecture,, i think hamdoleAllah this made a great difference in my performance,,,again I was listening to the audios, JUST looking on the notes to orient me, AND THE MOST IMPORTANT looking at his slide

again a bad experience with kaplan notes,,,, after a while i found that i am not retaining anything from kaplan so i shifted to FA and it was the best part of FA,,,,if its about memorizing always go to FA,,, if about understanding must read text in kaplan 1st

i did pharma the last branch to make it as much closer to the exam to be still be able to memorize the drugs

must do micro AFTER bio,,,it helps u so much

I solved the qbook, kaplan qbank, and Usmle world... I added all the extra important info to the FA so i had a great concise review book that i was able to revise the whole step1 5 days before exam,,, but remember i added only the IMPORTANT data

the revision and solving mcqs is the most important part of preparation,, I took me a great effort,,, but it deserves,,, as much as u give effort to the mcqs and expalanation as much it gives u.

U may think that i was a hard worked "da77ee7" but no i was not studying for more than 5 days a week for a couple of hours for most of my preparation but sure before the exam the rate was different

If i could stay at home i was able to solve 2 blocks so to solve 1000 mcq it takes 10 days

the days of the exam,,,,,
sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep as much as u can,,,,its not easy to sleep u have make ur sleeping hours fixed as much as u can at least 2 weeks before the exam,,, even if u r going to lose days without studying

the exam is soooooooooo long,,,U will remember this words in the prometric isA
take panadol with u,,,u will need it
also take stuff like redpull ,,,it makes a difference
i used to take a break after each block,,,go to tha bathroom, wash my face, eat something, drink, pray Duhr and then go back to the block,,,,
the worse block was the 5th,,,,i don`t know why,,but it was bad,,,,if u rememer ali hassib when he told us about the IM exam and how its the same like a boxing match,,,well step1 exam is not like a boxing match, instead its like a KICKBOXING match were get hits from hands and legs
I am not trying to scare u but i am doing this to make u prepare as much as u can and sleeep well to be able to do well for the end of the exam
take with u on the day of the exam,, a personal ID, the scheduling permit and the exam confirmation
dont take any books with u,,,,this is stupid
during this time the scores were sent by regular mail so it took 6 weeks to get my score
during this 6 weeks all what i was doing is remembering the wrong qs i did on the examm,,,, i though i would barely get high 80s,,, but sobhanAllah it was 99,,,, i was so so happy, i forgot all my efforts and studying,,,,actually it was the doaa that made it,,,i really did bad on the exam and i am still sure of it.
but I am still sure that when u get ur score U will forget all your studying and the hits u got on the exam day....

I hope that u can get benefit from my experience,,, and if u have any qs I am ready to answer them all isA
ربى أوزعنى أن أشكر نعمتك التى أنعمت على وعلى والدى وأن أعمل صالحا ترضاه وأصلح لى فى ذريتى انى تبت اليك وانى من المسلمين
intune, is this u what u said all this or u copied and pasted it from some where else?
i copied from here
'CAUCASIAN' intune has been reduced to a 'PORKASIAN' in so little time! Comic relief indeed! And he hates his roots so much that he wished a caucasian did his mother to bring him into this planet!! It would be a disgrace for any caucasian American to give birth to a pig like you!!
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