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A serious ANSWER for F_M_G - pakifucker
Dear F_M_G,
First of all you have to excuse me; my Talibani is a little bit rusty these days! I™ll very much appreciate if you could keep our conversation limited to English only! Thank you. You are probably more creative with your rhetoric in Talibani than in English (a dirty rotten language spoken by infidels), but unfortunately I don™t understand what you are talking about! Perhaps you are in a charitable mood today, who knows, and out of natural kindness that is so ingrained in your nature, you wanted to give me some bomb making formula for free; but I don™t need it! I thank you from the bottom of my heart though!
Do I remember you? Gosh, who can ever forget you? If I remember correctly (my memory is failing me these days) you are the guy who thought Darwinism is all about having your brains in between your balls. Brilliant ploy to save your brain, just in caseyou know what I mean?! Things happen in Pakistan, you know! But probably after putting your brain in your scrotal sac, you have forgotten now which one is which! All those (your brain and the two of those) are of same size anyway! And now you have started to think with one of those instead of your brain. I seriously don™t believe you could have done any better by thinking with your brain though. I don™t blame you, not your fault! But please do me a favour, start talking through your mouth instead of your rear end! It would probably stink just as bad, but believe me you will look and sound slightly more dignified by doing that! And your Taliban colleagues will heartily appreciate this little change in you! Don™t forget to thank me then!
he,he,he,he! i think after reading tha, poor fmg has committed suicide.
Pakistanis, What you did in pune today, you are gonna pay for that. even your fuc*ing allah cant prevent you from us now. Your existence is going to be finished.
Are you still scratching your bal.., Oops, I mean your brains to come up with a befitting reply? No Talibani please; English, OK?
f_m_g and other Talibanis are convulsing in prolonged orgasm after the Pune carnage, this is how they get it. Now they will line up for their share of virgins who will perpetually be virgins unless some infidel deflowers them as Talibanis orgasm on dead bodies.
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