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im q 2 - math3
a 45 yr old women comes to the ER bcoz of sudden onset of abd pain that radiates from right hypochondrium to the shoulder ,,the pain is steady with periodic exacerbation ,the pt is afebrile ,,USG reveals a stone in the cystic duct,,most appro next management?

cheno or ursodeoxycholic acid
lithotripsy with bile salt
endoscopic spinctereotomy with stone extraction
laproscopic chol;ecysectomy
open cholecystectomy
cholecystectomy is much cheaper,
ursodeoxy is very expensive treatmentSmile)
Math3, please give the correct answer.
estrogen u r right
laproscopic cholecystectomy
culd someone explain..i thought acute cholecystitis u dont operate...till the pt settles down...
becomes stable...

ursodeoxycholic acid treatment may dissolve small stones and used for asymptomatic pt or who decline surgery

this pt with claasic symptomatology of biliary colic =choleystyectomy
why is it not ERCP with stone extraction...because has ongoing pain and and one does not do cholecystectomy in Acute condition
endoscopic spincterectomy with stone extraction is used for choledocholithiasis especially in pt who have undergone cholecystectomy
Although cholecystitis may clear up on its own, surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is usually needed when inflammation persists or recurs. This operation is performed as soon as possible after the onset of cholecystitis, unless the patient is very ill, or if the inflammation is thought to have been present for many days.

Occasionally, in very ill patients, a tube may be placed through the skin to drain the gallbladder until the patient recovers from the acute illness and is fit to undergo surgery.

Cholecystectomy is usually performed using a laparoscope. In this technique, small (1 cm) incisions are made in the abdomen, and instruments and a fiberoptic camera are passed through.

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