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any word on the result delay for aug exam takers?? - classymd
any updates guys ???
sep 24th
so its been confirmed that this year the date will be delayed as well?

which date and onwards? july 30?

also, does it make a big difference if our marks are submitted a 2 weeks after?
I checked the announcements and it said ppl taking exam on or after July 31 will get their marks sept 24.

It also said best time to take exam would be no later than July 28. But wat about ppl taking exam on July 29? Will they be ok ? Anyone have any idea ?
any idea?
those who give exam on july 29 will also get result on 24 sept or later i think
this is upsetting. both my cs and ck marks will be delayed. any1 on the same boat ?? how much will this affect my chance for res. ? ?
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