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ddx between Lyme disease, RMSF and Ehrlichiosis - negenand
What are the main differential points between these tick-borne diseases? What is the initial tx for each?
Causetive org:Borrelia borgdorferi
Spred by BITE of Ixodes scpularis.
Cetral clearing-spreding periferally-Bulls eye appearence-rashes---erythema migrans rash.
cofirmation:by serology-ELISA test combined with Western blot.
The serology does not differentiate an old infection from the fresh one.
Doxy is the Rx for 14 days.--oral route.
Joint manifestation is with Doxy for a month.
Serious neurological problems Rxted with I.V Ceftrioxone
I think during preganacy Azithromycin or E.Mycin.I am not very syre.Pl excuse me if I am wrong.
causetive org:R.rickettsi
Suden onset of fever, Rashes start from wrist &spred centripetally
Can involve palms&soles D.D for 2ndary syphillis.
Other symp of meningism+
confirm byConfusedpecic serology.Biopsy of the skin lesion.
RxBig Grinoxy
I donot know much about Ehrliosis.I will look up &let u know.
Ehrlichiosis -- symptoms are almost same as RMSF but there is NO RASH. There might be hx of tick bite. Tx is Doxycycline - same.

If there is any more important points for ddx and dx, please add.
lyme...serious inf with meningitis and cardiac sx ......i/v cetriaxone.

alternative to doxycyclin =amoxicillin.

if asymptomatic and only comes with the tick stick....remove tick and no treatmrnt.

seventh cranial nerve.bilateral fascial palsy.

cardiac sx.AV heart block mcc.

erythema migican rash. enough to start RX..

dx test.RASH combine with one late manifestation

SERology =ELISA with WESTREN blot(doenot confirm current or previous inf)
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