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To djyoti & others - nd123
Please discuss HY points on AIDS here

When PCR test used in AIDS ?
Most cases of AIDS now are due to homosexuals or iv drug users ?

Protease Inhibitors S/E main 1) 2)

IndinavirS/E -1---------- 2)asymptomatic hyperbilirubinemia .is this indication to stop drug yes or no
Ritonavir very potent --------
i think we should continue if asyptomatic because it is not symptomatic but it may need more frequent monitoring

good question
PCR test is used to know the progression of cd 4 count --whether its is going downhill or not if it is how fast it is going down hill --i suppose

now please answer this--anybody

treatment protocol of aids patient--just principal or more

side effect of zidovidine

s/e of didanosine

s/e of other aids drugs
PCR : can use after needle stick in window period
Most Aids nowaday due to heterosexual activity

AZT : BM suppression
Didanosine : pancreatitis?
Protease inhibitor: inc serum uric acid

pls help w SEs of drugs, guys
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