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europe vs us? - hansraj
I already mention my credentials before, but got confused after all the answers.
I did 3 years of IM residency in my homecountry in South America, during which I appeared for step 1 and 2, one day after each other which resulted in 87/99, passed stepCS and got an opportunity to continue my IM residency in Holland.
I was always very interested to work for some time in the US, but now I don't know what to do. Should I finish my residency in Holland or try for the US. Will the experience from europe be of use for my CV?
Please advise,
Maybe you don't understand proper English, I shall repeat my answer: old graduates can forget it. We, IMGs with 99/99 are the ones being chosen these days. Gone are days of the 80s. So my sincere advise is: stay where you are and don't waste your time.
Hansraj, you already have a residency, why don't you give others the chance to find a residency?
it'll depend on where you see yourself practising long-term.

if you intend on practising in the US long-term (like you said) - you have two options - either finish your dutch residency, then get into US for residency or fellowship (less likely), or apply for the match and get into a US residency (without completing a dutch residency). if i were you, i'd finish my current residency - that way, i'd have something to fall back on if things don't work out. it'll also keep you out of the red (important for some).

if you intend on practising in Holland long-term, i'd definitely finish my residency in holland, and apply for a fellowship in the US, then return after its completion.
I agree with quirky, it's safer to finish your dutch residency first. The only thing is that some programs don't want graduates more than 5 years, you should be aware of this when deciding what you want to do.
Good Luck!
I think u can get a resident position the USA without any problem.I agree with what quirky said.If you are not happy in Holland,it is better to finish your training there as a back-up plan.Even if you decide one day to go to the USA thereafter,the experience you will get in the Eu will be useful.
GOOD luck.
Quirky, clamoxyl and ecrouch, thank you very much for the advise, I really appreciate it.
Success with your careers and good luck!
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