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how 2 correlate btwn LOR sent and ERAS designation - maverick_pkg
how to correlate the letter of recommendations sent by us with the letter writer names we have to write and designate in ERAS?

how does ecfmg/eras know which letter goes with which letter writer name we designated? is it done manually or does the spelling have to be exactly similar?
no one knows?
After scanning the docu, they simply place it in the slot you designated for the particular LOR. Its done manully but even then its good if you write EXACTLY the same spelling and name as on the letter head (on which the letter is printed).
by 'slot u designated' u mean they check the name on the letter head and the name we write on ERAS and then put the letter there


the order in which they have received the LORs and the order in which we write the LOR writers names in ERAS.

the latter seems a pretty stupid way, shud b the former one i guess. but r u aware??
any other opinions?
Please are underestimating the eras guys...they are well-educated pwople with common-sense (which fails the rule for originals). So dont worry...they would definitely be following the logical way :-)
haha no its not about underestimation... its about the fact that i have to send some original LORs of which I have only 1 copy, so if something gets screwed up, well that'll b my end. so the usual tension u know

thanks a lot Smile
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