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FMG OBGYN interviews needed for matching - rhapsody
Hi everyone:
I know it is a kind of speculation, and nothing is granted, but does anyone of you know statistically speaking how many interviews are needed to say that FMG will match in OBGYN residency program??

I know a friend of mine matched last year with 3 interviews and he is a 2004 grauduate with socores in mid 90s
Thanks, I hope things will go well
rhapsody...This is from my experience...there is no magic no. for matching. What holds good for IM does not hold good for Ob/Gyn becoz of the no of positions. I have 10+ calls and still have this overwhelming feeling of insecuruty and fear of not matching. Maybe its the pessimism in me speaking.
Statistics...hmmm..I know someone with 3 interviews who matched, someone with 11 who matched, somebody with 5 who matched and someone with 7 who did not match. So...I donot know what to infer from this...
to Dochoc:
Hi, I know what u say is true, there is no magic formula..... things differ from program to prg.

To tell the truth, I am confused and I get more confused after the interviews, I really do.
I don't know if you are FMGs, but what really confuses me is that I don't feel that there is a serious consideration from the interivewer side to the interviewee side for the position??.

I am just trying to get the sense of others who matched, or who knew people that matched for last year.

The bottom line : did through out your interviews feel that they were or they showed anything that would let you know that they want to thave you in the program.

Thank you any way for the your response, I wish you luck with the matchas well as myself
IF YOU would be able to tell your friends qualifications in terms of:
1-USMLE Scores?
2- Visa status
3-American clinical exp
5- english fluency
6-Previous OBGYN residency experience.

Thanks a lot .
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